Active Funded Research Projects
TITLE: #DiverseCornBelt: Resilient Intensification through Diversity in Midwestern Agriculture
DATES: 2021-2026
COLLABORATORS: Linda Prokopy (PI) , S Hallett, E Maynard, D Mulla, P Gassman, A Spaulding, E Heaton, S Secchi, J Hill, I Kaplan, S Carlson, K Schilling, S Armstrong, A Margenot, BM Gramig, J Arbuckle, S Church, S LaRose, L English, K Floress, K Genskow, N Hunt, K Johnson, P Kelleher, M Komp, P Lammers, E Reaves, A Thompson, M Tiboris, A Torres-Bravo.
Completed Funded Research Projects
TITLE: Advancing FEW System Resilience in the Corn Belt by Integrated Technology-Environment-Economics Modeling (iTEEM) of Nutrient Cycling
FUNDING AGENCY: National Science Foundation, Innovations at the Nexus of Food-Energy-Water Systems (INFEWS)
DATES: 2017-2022 [press release; project]
COLLABORATORS: Ximing Cai (PI; CEE, UIUC), Vijay Singh (ABE, UIUC), Roland Cusick (CEE), Greg McIsaac (NRES), Steve John (AWI)
TITLE: On-farm Benefits and Costs of Conservation Practices and Systems
FUNDING AGENCY: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
DATES: 2018-2022
COLLABORATORS: Seong Do Yun (Mississippi State University)
TITLE: Assessing the strengths and limitations of voluntary conservation to modify agricultural practices
FUNDING AGENCY: Walton Family Foundation
DATES: 2018-2020
COLLABORATORS: Prokopy (PI; Purdue), Arbuckle (Iowa State), Church (Purdue), Ranjan (Purdue), Reeling (Purdue)
TITLE: PAgES: An Interdisciplinary Science Workshop on Payments for Agro-Ecosystem Services
FUNDING AGENCY: USDA-NIFA/AFRI Agroecosystem Management Program
DATES: 2016-2018
COLLABORATORS: Sylvie Brouder (Agronomy, Purdue)
TITLE: Recreational Valuation and Management Implications for Southern Lake Michigan Fishery
FUNDING AGENCY: Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
DATES: 2015-2017
COLLABORATORS: Zischke (PI; FNR, Purdue); Dickinson and Breidart (IN DNR); Roswell, Miller and Czeny (IL Natural History Survey)
TITLE: Useful to Usable (U2U): Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers
DATES: 2011-2017
COLLABORATORS: Prokopy (PI; Purdue); 20+ co-PIs from 9 universities in 8 states